Friday, May 8, 2009

The Great Depression 2

Where is our economy going these days? Why are people only out for themselves and not trying to help their fellow man? Well it seems that our economy is getting worse and the rich are getting richer. Our country would not be in the shape that they are in if they would learn to treat the people of this country right. But no, today's big businesses are taking the jobs that we in America should be doing overseas or giving them to those that will work for the littlest amount of money possible or giving them to illegal immigrants. Because they want to keep all of the profits for themselves just to show everyone else how rich they are. There is no help today for the common man who is out seeking to try to improve his life, noooo. Today you work a job, and they can fire you without a cause, they can not hire you, Oh, because you have bad credit, you're over qualified, under qualified, don't have the education that we are looking for, don't have the certificates that we are looking for, are not deep enough in debt or have to much debt. What ever happened to the simpler days when we could go to work and make money to pay off our debts, take our families on vacations, have money saved up for retirement. Well those days are gone do to greed in the upper management of companies, where CEO, CFO, and everyone that runs the company can embezzle money and get away with it. They say that we are always looking for raises, and wanting more time off. A good company knows how to treat their employees, and to keep them happy. For a company with good employees is a company that is going to soar way above the rest, and the employees of the company are going to make better quality merchandise than the competitor. When will this country realize, that the more people that are out of work here in this country, the more they are at risk all over the world. Our motto use to be BUY AMERICAN and now our motto is SCREW AMERICA. We can make it faster and cheaper every where else and get them to pay for getting it imported back into the states. I like what President Obama said, "Companies that take their jobs to other countries will not get incentives any more from the US Government, and they will be charged import taxes like all other countries to bring their products back into the country". "But companies that stay here in the United States and give jobs to the American people (not illegal immigrants) will get the full support and backing of the US Government" (I like that). If America is going to return to it's place in the world. We need to help our fellow man (not find fault with him or her) to stand on their own, so that they can help us stand on our own. For if our economy continues to head in the direction that it is going now, we are heading to the sequel of the Great Depression.

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